Programs & Events

Clara Barton PTSA sponsors physical and virtual programs and events in support of Our Mission

Watch for news about what PTSA will bring to the Clara Barton community during the upcoming school year by joining our Facebook page or subscribing to our email newsletter, The Bobcat Bulletin.


Do you have suggestions for programs and events PTSA can offer? We'd like to hear from you! 


5th Grade Promotion

Art Docent

Bobcat Best Day

Ice Cream Social

Bobcat Bulletin (subscribe)

Emergency Preparedness

Enrichment Classes 


Fall Festival

Food Drive

Fun Run

Geography Bee

Math Challenge

Math Challenge Tournament

May for Math

Nature Vision

Pacific Science Van Virtual Field Trip

Parent Education Webinars


School Pool

Size Up Event

Spelling Bee

Spirit Wear

Staff Appreciation


Student Pictures & Yearbook




Upcoming Events