Math Challenge provides students with opportunities to sharpen mathematical problem-solving skills. It's also an avenue for families to become involved and enjoy math together. The program is FREE to all K-5 students and no sign-up is necessary.
There will be 15 sets of challenges released every other week from September through May. Lucky winners are chosen from each grade level for each Math Challenge. Students who complete 12 or more math challenges and submit their answers online before the deadline will be given a medal at the end of the year. Students who complete all 15 challenges and submit their answers online before the deadline will be given a trophy at the end of the year.
How does my student participate?
Solve the minimum number of grade-level questions.
Only online submissions are accepted. Paper submissions are no longer accepted. Submit answers online here.
Students are encouraged to receive help from others to solve as many questions together as they can.
Problem-solving strategies are available at
- Current Math Challenge
- Submit your answers online using this Google form. Note that paper submissions will no longer be accepted.
- Find solutions to past math challenges here.
- Stuck? Try problem-solving strategies here.
Questions or feedback? Please contact Masumi Kayani & Sarah Barker, Math Challenge Co-Chairs.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 14
- Saturday, February 15
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21