Volunteer Roles & Descriptions
There are many ways to volunteer to help out the Clara Barton community. One way is directly in the classroom, and the other is through PTSA events and activities. You will find information for both types of volunteering on this page. Of course, you could always do both if you wish! Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Onwards!
There are two ways to sign up as a volunteer:
- The preferred path is to create an account here on our website so everything will be easy for you to track. You an see all your volunteer signups in once spot. Sign up today to volunteer!
- The very low key option is to just add some basic information to our volunteer recruiting form
Important note: Clara Barton PTSA will be following all LWSD requirements for volunteering on the school premises. All volunteers in the school MUST be approved Lake Washington School District volunteers It's a fairly easy process but does take some time, so the earlier you start the better.
Lake Washington Volunteer Website and Application Form
Volunteer with the PTSA!
Review the list of open PTSA leadership roles for the school year and their descriptions below to see if there's a fit for your time and skills.
We are actively searching for the positions below, more details can be found lower on the website.
- Corporate Partners Chair
- Book Fair Chair Assistant
- DEI Chair
- Family Events Chairs (various)
- Financial Review Committee Chair and Members
- Fun Run Chair
- Legislative Chair
- Merchant Affiliate Chair
- Pacific Science Center Van Chair
- Pantry Pack Chair
- Reflections Chair Assistant
- Special Needs Chair
- Sustainability Chair
Here are some of the other ways you can lend a helping hand as one of our awesome volunteers:
- Art Docent: The Art Docent program will continue as it has in the past. Lesson plans, materials, and a virtual or in-person training session will be provided. This is a great way to get to know your student's teacher and classmates. Students love art docent volunteers! No previous art training/experience is required.
- Room Parent: Room Parents will work together to plan Fall, Valentine, and End of Year Celebrations for a class. The Fall celebration this year, for example, will be an all-school Fall Festival during the school day.
- Teacher Production Assistant: Due to new Math/Science curriculum, teachers have requested extra help preparing classroom materials. Volunteers will work in the school office, other school work areas, or at home. Help support our teachers by providing essential behind-the-scenes support!
- Field Trip Chaperone: Attend a field trip with the class to act as chaperone and/or serve as a driver (other conditions may apply)
- Guest Speaker: Share your expertise with the classroom, this could include something cultural, technology related, or anything else discussed with your teacher host.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 17
- Tuesday, January 28
- Thursday, January 30
- Friday, January 31
- Thursday, February 6
- Friday, February 21