Clara Barton Size Up Event

First Annual Clara Barton 'Size Up' Event Saturday June 15th 10am to 1pm
Sign up to help out with the event or bring clothes/shoes items to drop off.  We'll also have a table for birthday celebrations items you may have collected over the years like Birthday Signs.  There is a box out front of the school all week long.

Hello Bobcats!  


Doing any spring cleaning?  Please consider donating your 'too small' clothing for your little Bobcats including gently worn shoes and clothing to our first up Size Up event that will be held at Clara Barton Elementary from 10am to 1pm on Saturday June 15th.  We'll have gently used clothing donated by anyone at our school and all Clara Barton families can come look over the items and take what you need. Everything is free and open to all.  This is a chance to recycle clothing and share with others. 

We'll need some volunteers to help sort and guide folks during the event. Join us to help make this first ever event a success!

~Page Eney and Clara Barton PTSA

Saturday, June 15, 2024 10:00am

Upcoming Events